Road through winter (a continuing series)
Certain places just call me back (a continuing series)
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“daylights crossing paths with overnight snowfall draping eternities and distances” is a continuing return to the ‘ road through winter ‘ series begin back in the 80″s (watercolour painted directly on absorbent ground on gessoed birch panel) the luxury of possibilities is but the fullness of the universe. Painting my experience, means more than I begin with, rather than less…I do not explain nor interpret what I do merely because i do not want it rendered manageable, understandable, civilized in some formulaic category. i simply lose myself in the, call it ‘the wild’ and want the work to express that same feeling of wild.
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“daylight streamers drifting past eternities across the road through winter” 2013, 28″ x 35″ mixed media – watercolour & acrylic painted directly on absorbent ground on gessoed birch panel; the luxury of possibilities is reaches across the fullness of the universe. I know it looks intense, but everything in this road through winter series has been reduced to its simplest shapes while maintaining and expressing the magic of the moment.