The luxury of possibilities; alive and overwhelmed
seeing life in everything is seeing the magic of it all
Walking thru winter I feel the aliveness of it all and it can easily overwhelm me; I am in awe. As I look around everything is exactly where it needs be; everything is interacting with everything else. Where I am going with this is that everything i see all around me, I see in particular. In detail. Nothing is really vague or remotely suggestive. Oh, far off in the distance things haven’t resolved themselves, but I am not there yet. I am having a wonderful time experiencing everything immediately around me. This is what I end up painting; what I directly see and feel. what directly impacts me.
To that extent my work approaches realism. It never occurs to me to merely paint what I see with a few suggestive strokes as that negates not only the richness of everything all around me but also cancels out the depth of my experience of it all, and I work and work at coming to understand all that is around me, at expanding my awareness of the world I am in and would feel silly to then just reduce it all to mere vague suggestions.
‘monday morning’
20″ x 18″ / watercolour / acrylic painted directly on gessoed panel