early sundown
“My landscape paintings in acrylic on gessoed panels of my experiences of open winter streams are simple direct immediate everything but obvious. There is a grittyness in anything I find / call beautiful, and expressing my way of seeing / feeling winter light on water reflections is a heartfelt meditation on the natural elegance I find in and thru the Ontario north. Finding natural design in the chaos that the north holds, there is room for the unexpected, for a lively imagination to work through / to express the feel of ‘the wild’ of each place I explore.”
early sundown;
14″ x 14″
watercolour / acrylic painted directly on gessoed panel
/ available
received several comments one of which i re posted here…..
Another one of your works that I keep coming back to view. I am, frankly, flabbergasted at how wonderfully delightful it is. It is almost magical. I feel like I am under a spell when I look at your work.
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- 5h
Ed Reliuga thanks Ed, so much magic in the everyday ordinary. always trying to raise / express the work to the level of wonderfully delightful