auction house sales
every so often i get a client asking for my take on current pricing on works they own from the past, which is okay because i get to be surprised by revisiting works that at best only live in my head if and when i can remember; other times i get notifications that one or more of my works have come up for auction at one of the auction houses, which can bring mixed feelings as on the one hand often it may mean the death of a client and the estate sale of everything including any of my works they had; on the other it means the provenance of these works grows as they have / start new life with people who newly discover us, sometimes for the first time. annnnnnnnnnnnnnd………each resale raises the prices for my work in auction, the latest being at an auction house in London Ontario, where separate winter light works found their moment under the spotlit gaze of auction goers, as they moved on to a new life. annnnnnnnnnd……..hopefully the so far rumoured legislation concerning royalty payments to artists for resold works will be realized while they can do some good.