Summer Past Exhibition at Anglin Smith Fine Art Gallery
Sept 5th to 19th, 2014
New work in Group Show : Summer Past; at Anglin Smith Fine Art Gallery,
9 Queen Street, Charleston SC , USA
pickerel weed 2 14″ x 18″ mixed media (watercolour / acrylic painted directly on gessoed birch panel)
he ponds are the more abstract, more difficult, more defiant of my works:
sold autumn on the pond 13 40″ x 26″ mixed media (watercolour / acrylic painted directly on gessoed birch panel)
A flat surface floods the panel from top to bottom. Not one horizon line in the usual
sense; rather , many, many horizon lines spreading all across the surface at the
juncture of where each twig, every branch and blade of overgrown grassy stems
meets and rises our of the water is an individual horizon line; the line that is the
edge of the leaf floating atop the water and separating it from its’ reflection within
the overall reflection that is the painting forms another horizon line.
autumn on the pond 15 29.5″ x 29″ mixed media (watercolour / acrylic painted directly on gessoed birch panel)
It is all about the reflection; infinite in ways it appears it is pure abstraction.
pure meditations on flat surfaces of specific abstract patterns, losing ourselves
in discernible thought we come to understand them for what they are.
autumn on the pond 18 43″ x 33″ mixed media
(watercolour / acrylic painted directly on gessoeod birch panel
windstirred chaos abstractions of broken line and colour descending:
patterns present as so many moments of reality, existing in the everyday
world; open moments that exist neither asking anyone to take notice
nor asking one to leave once they are there…