infinity rings
it may seem we are working ideas all over the map / but in reality it comes down to just 2 simple ideas: light and water the 2 things you cannot paint directly is what captivates us, what we lose ourselves in, what we look for and find many many ways to express; with light, on a sunny day, all you can paint is the effect, the shadows cast by the light; with water, being transparent, you paint the reflection of the sky above, where there are shadows the bottom seen through / made visible by the shadows and the reflecting shorelines attempting to contain the water for its own ends…
infinity rings is an ongoing series
2 new smaller works
infinity rings 145 – 12″ x 24″ watercolour / acrylic painted directly on gessoed birch panel
infinity rings 144 – 12″ x 20″ watercolour / acrylic painted directly on gessoed birch panel