award for ‘autumn on the pond’ at Colour & Form Society
my painting
autumn on the pond –
juried into
the Colour & Form Society’s 66th Annual Exhibition
was awarded 3rd prize at the opening earlier today
autumn on the pond (18)
43″ x 33″
watercolour / acrylic painted directly on gessoed panel
thank you to jurors Jill Price and Vera Bobson, (who I am told wanted to give the award to the other work entered and also juried into the exhibition – autumn on the pond / high water 18″ x 26″ watercolour on arches paper
November. it rains a lot. the ponds overfill overflow their edges. shorelines disappear and new ones are made for as long as it takes to have the excess be absorbed into the groundwater. new shorelines that are chaotic, unmeant to be, so interesting in the most visually novel of ways. reflections that are immediately connected to what they are reflecting. we like painting ‘water’ which is in contact with the land and stuff on the land; with stuff that is growing right out of the water, even if it is only because of a momentary high water level.