early watercolour
putting up 2 works on paper; first one overlooked ? for years as it we’ve enjoyed it hanging in the kitchen and never considered it for sale before. tabletop fleurs for van gogh, 11.5″ x 8″ (framed … Continue reading →
putting up 2 works on paper; first one overlooked ? for years as it we’ve enjoyed it hanging in the kitchen and never considered it for sale before. tabletop fleurs for van gogh, 11.5″ x 8″ (framed … Continue reading →
Edmund, included my ‘creek meandering past where the winter gods live’, in his gallery opening ‘beyond time and space exhibition’ and following up with my rambling interview just before the opening, he has since added the visual jpeg of my … Continue reading →
My entry ‘infinity rings with red leaf floating’ was juried into the CSPWC society’s 100th Anniversary Exhibition at Roberts Gallery in Toronto opening on March 15th / thru 29th at 631 dupont st. toronto thinking here is the spiralling galaxy … Continue reading →
A happy post. A big thank you to the judges who saw enough merit in my piece to include it in the show. My entry ‘infinity rings with red leaf floating’ was juried into the CSPWC society’s 100th Anniversary Exhibition … Continue reading →
recent posts have been all about new winter pieces including some pieces which have been sitting here, waiting to be worked further / to be finished; 12 mile bay road has been one of our go to places for wandering … Continue reading →
got a call couple days ago from Edmund of the YM Gallery in Richmond Hill that he was including one of my winter pieces in his exhibition opening today. good to be at an opening again. Beyond Time and Space … Continue reading →
reposting the sunlight running up the hillside with a mat around it only because i feel it needs distance to properly be seen. sunlight after an overnight snowfall 12″ x 16″ watercolour on baohong paper / 400. Winterlight 2 … Continue reading →
small studies on Baohong paper / had worked up all of my stash of arches, weren’t no loot at present for more so this fresh infusion of Baohong paper gets me all excited again about looking to design-ify simplicity into … Continue reading →
Find I can wander towards abstract by simplifying colours my first look at the Baohong w/c paper that made up my award at the CSPWC open water exhibition last year small studies on paper for what i put all w/c … Continue reading →
ordinary magic making up my winter this year. daylight stretching shadows across the snowcovered stream 16″ x 20″ watercolour / acrylic painted directly on gessoed panel / available / 680.
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