last winter snowfall
was out last monday call it ‘breaking trails’ thru 5 inches of fresh snow sunlight reaching in to the forest (avoiding the grrrrroups of fat tire bike riders huffing and puffing by every few minutes trying not to wipe … Continue reading →
tamarack pond
this idea has been singsonging on the back burner of what passes for a amind here for ever since Wendy and i watched the sun go down on this pond along livingston road, tamarack pond … Continue reading →
blue pine
source of the initial summer water dazzle series river with blue mathiasville, muskoka, 24″ x 16″ < click on image to enlarge > watercolour / acrylic painted directly on gessoed panel available 980.
Continue reading →ongoing ‘summer water dazzle’ series
water being transparent, always different, lets us explore /express its infinite appearance through the very reflections that try to confine it. water is a perfect source of abstraction: transparent; we paint the reflected sky above, the bottom revealed by passing … Continue reading →
midwinter pond
walked the shorelines hardy lake always coming back to several small ponds contained within several times this past february. snowcovered rock mid sunlit pond hardy lake 11″ x 14″ watercolour / acrylic painted directly on gessoed … Continue reading →
colour & form society’s members exhibition
my entry “wetland with sun reflecting” at the colour n form society’s members exhibition running march 4th thru 24th, at neilson pk centre in etobicoke / 48″ x 24″ / < click on image to enlarge > … Continue reading →
Day full of deep reflections
different yet full of similarities: look forward to the march winter melts and october fall rains which both create instant ponds only lasting until absorbed in to / with the ground water. day full of deep reflections 48″ … Continue reading →
muskoka river sunrise.
as much fantasy as reality…. sunrise muskoka river 16″ x 22″ watercolour on arches paper / available 900. ( click on image to enlarge )
Continue reading →2nd jessie’s stream
painted what they called jessie’s stream, before it ends up emptying into the saugeen river; the one on the previous post and this one are the two available from more than a dozen worked up of the stream on its … Continue reading →