

May 7th, 2016: spent the day at the Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour annual AGM meeting today and got elected onto the board of directors of the society;

May 5th, 2016:  elected a member of The Society of Canadian Artists

Jan 15, 2016 Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine, chose for the cover of their winter 2016 issue, one of my winter paintings; ‘treeline shadows streaming across the softness of new snow

Oct 23 – Nov 13 – 2015  Next : Exhibition at Arts & Letters Club, Toronto: my painting “iris pond” was given the SEDLMAYER-KATZ AWARD

Dilettante’s Diary February 23rd,  2013 a review i received of my work  at the artist project`February 23rd, 2013 – The Artist Project 2013 (Exhibition) Better Living Centre; Exhibition Place, Toronto; Feb 21-24.

“Nobody can do the purple shadows on snow banks with more glow and enchantment than Micheal Zarowsky. If you can’t get to the show, you owe it to yourself to visit his website and drool over his paintings of snow-laden bowers. His paintings of Paris could also be called landscapes (or cityscapes): a hazy Eifel tower looming behind lacy foliage.”

“His bicycle studies, too, are marvels of colour and shape. 

Hi: Your work has been mentioned in my review at

Best regards, P.


Dilettante’s Diary NOVEMBER 6, 2012 Reviewed here: Open Water 2012 (Art)

“ One could use the word “love” with regard to Micheal Zarowsky’s painting too. You might not have thought this could happen, but his depiction of lush white snowdrifts with their blue-ish shadows, overlooking some dark water can make you long for winter.


Oct 23rd to Nov 16th, 2012;  My Entry In the 87th Open Water Exhibition of the Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour,   “Colour glimpses in the mirror water / Ice starting to form on the pond  22″ x 30″  ” was selected for “the Heinz Jordan Award”.  at the John B Aird Gallery, 900 Bay St.. Toronto


Dilettante’s Diary  TORONTO OUTDOOR ART EXHIBITION   Nathan Phillips Square, Toronto July 6-8, 2012

With some 340 artists on hand, it was impossible to give all the work a close look. But we did our best — inspite of the heat!

Since many of the artists who pleased me in this show are old favourites, whose names may be quite familiar to regular readers of Dilettante’s Diary by now, I’ll list them and their works here (in no particular order):

  • the luminous nature studies, cityscapes and bicycles, in watercolours and acrylics on gessoed brich panels, by Micheal Zarowsky


Oct 2, 2012 – Painting “Lido bikes #85” in online auction at

April 18, 2012 – Painting “Lido bikes #58” in online auction at

March 20, 2012 – Painting “Waterlilies & Wild Rice, Devils Lake” in online auction at


Posted some of my recent work online at  and received an insightful comment I thought worth passing along.

Козловская Зинаида – Russian Federation – –

2012-05-03 18:30:44 ([email protected]) WebsiteDelete
Ваши работы потрясающие, люблю деревья, а они у вас везде,

со своим характером в любое время года впечатляют соей

непосредственностью; природа задает тон своей обычной

жизнью,насытившись тем, чем обогатилась за свой век,что

не оставляет равнодушным любого, кто так сразу мог

влюбиться в ваши произведения. Это не картины, это

часть жизни, показанная совсем не ярким пятном, а

просто обыденностью сегодняшних дней, потрясающие

работы, Браво и Творческих Вам  успехов!

* * *     * * *  * * *    * * *

My Russian not being what it never was/…with help we’ve

managed to translate bits and pieces…

but oh what interesting pieces…..

…love the trees….in your works they are imbued with their own

character…….nature in

your  painting has its own specific, individual tone of life……

and this is something that enriches our life… immediately

falls in love with your art work…these are not paintings……

they are part of life….they reflect our days today…bravo

wishing you all the best creativity…..

Zinaida Kuslovskaya


Dilettante’s Diary   THE ARTIST PROJECT 2012

The Artist Project 2012 (Art Show)

You get a very different take on winter in the resplendent watercolours of Micheal Zarowsky, where the blue shadows make the snowbanks dazzle. I was pleased to see a certificate in Mr. Zarowksy’s booth indicating that one of his paintings had been chosen for a special purchase award by a show sponsor. (His paintings of collections of bicycles, delicately executed in gorgeous colours, have a beauty all their own.)


Showing work back up in Muskoka;

Silver Bridge GalleryFebruary 23, 2012  at 9:26am ·   It is going to be a great year here at Silver Bridge Gallery…we recently welcomed Michael Zarowsky and D.A. Dunford to the gallery and will soon see the return of Jing Fu…and we are just getting started.
snowsick1 has made a comment on Boats Micheal Zarowsky Watercolours Slideshow 4 revised:Amazing! I am out of words. Can anybody tell me how many years should one study (and where) to get such a mastership and perfect command of watercolor? It is a very difficult media. Wonderful hues, wonderful objects and shapes! Just perfect, may be even better :)You can reply to this comment by visiting the comments page.


From: Hilary Hendricks [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, November 24, 2011 10:43 AM
To: Micheal Zarowsky
Subject: Re: Paris

I lived in paris for three years and your work captures it perfectly without looking cliche. Looking forward to hearing from you


Dilettante’s Diary


Open Water 2011(Art) Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour; John B. Aird Gallery, 900 Bay Street, Toronto; until Nov 18.  You can always assume that the quality of the work in this annual show is high, given that a mere forty paintings are chosen from submissions from around the world

Looking at the natural world on a somewhat larger scale, Micheal Zarowsky’s snowy river bank somewhere near Georgian Bay demonstrates the artist’s fiendish skill in creating dazzling pictures from thousands of tiny brush strokes


86th Open Water Exhibition of the Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour  –  October 27 – Nov 18th , 2011. Awarded the D L STEVENSON & SONS AWARD for my painting ‘Once upon a time”


Dilettante’s Diary

As readers of Dilettante’s Diary will know, I have a soft spot for the work of Micheal Zarowsky. His way with watercolour is like no one else’s. In a technique somewhat like pointillism – but not quite – he builds up his watercolours with tiny patches of pigment in such a way that the light in them dazzles. His landscapes and water scenes have always thrilled me but the arrival of some studies of bicycles this year is especially exciting.


Dilettante’s Diary
Dilettant’es DiaryTHE ARTIST PROJECT 2011

Another artist who comes in for a lot of praise hereabouts, Micheal Zarowsky, is showing his meticulously-worked watercolours – blue shadows on snow, for instance, or reflections on water – the dazzle of which is phenomenal. But his studies of the Eiffel Tower – looking up into that complicated structure from below – are truly awe-inspiring.


Comments posted at Zarowsky listing  at

Michel Robitaille – Canada – – 2011-01-02 20:59:06 ([email protected]) Website

Je viens de découvrir votre travail et j’adore votre façon de peindre le rendu des couleurs est comme un vitrail impressioniste mais très réaliste à la fois.

I just discovered your work and I love the way you paint the colors are like stained glass but very realistic impressionist at a time. Thank you.

Stelutza – Romania – – 2010-09-18 23:04:32 ([email protected]) WebsiteDelete
An interesting and original painting support. You managed to create the atmosphere each season.Superb! Still more success !
with sincere admiration

Yildirim – Turkey – – 2009-10-05 21:05:56 ([email protected]) WebsiteDelete

_E.T. – France – – 2009-07-31 06:32:56 ([email protected]) WebsiteDelete
Je suis sous le chrme de votre peinture.
Quelle maîtrise de l’aquarelle!
Technique insolite pour un résultat époustoufflant!
Des ambiances évocant la nostalgie (surtout la série “rain”)… Vraiment un très beau travail dans sa globalité.
Bien cordialement

Claudette Vanasse – Canada – – 2009-02-22 01:45:25 WebsiteDelete
Congratulations for your unique style. Your watercolors are exquisite and a pure visual delight. Thank you for sharing such beauties with us.
Amitiés artistiques



The artist describes his unique medium, watercolours painted directly on gessoed Norwegian birch panels: “(Although) working on gessoed panels isn’t much fun, being akin to painting on a kitchen countertop, with every stroke beading up, streaking (and) smearing — misbehaving like so much spilt, coloured water — . . . I am dazzled by the new textures, and the strength, immediacy and directness that results. . .

“To secure the watercolour, I apply two coats of spray fixative, and two coats of matte varnish (as with an oil or an acrylic) to seal it.

“I find myself, for a brief moment anyway, in a unique position, creating something never done before.”

His works are finished by painting tops, bottoms and sides, giving a wrap-around effect. As such, they can be hung in a float frame or without a frame.

Toronto art critic Ian Andrew Malcom has described the artist as having “an uncanny ability to isolate the essence of a landscape, and then illuminate the small part of the whole, which becomes the very symbol of that which it represents. That is what abstraction is all about.

“(But) the genius of Micheal Zarowsky is that he presents the effect of abstraction while he is actually painting in a realistic way some isolated element (which) signifies, with utmost economy, the wider scene.”

Micheal Zarowsky lives in Toronto and has been painting for several decades. Recently, he has exhibited works at galleries in Toronto, Stouffville and Owen Sound and at the Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition.

Mediums: watercolours painted directly on gessoed Norwegian birch panels


Friday March 2/2010

Just wanted to let you know that I got the item about your offer posted on Dilettante’s Diary.

It was such a pleasure spending some time with you and Wendy yesterday and drooling over your marvellous watercolours! Thanks so much for your hospitality.

We love the Venice painting. I haven’t had a chance to show Jane the jpeg of the winter scene because I’m working on the old computer now and the colour on screen isn’t good enough. The better computer isn’t available now because our daughter-in-law is resting in that bedroom, not feeling very well today. But we presume she’ll be recovered for the trip to Sarnia on Easter.

Eventually, I’ll get a chance to show Jane the jpeg and we can appreciate it together and think about it.

All best wishes to both of you, P.   Wondrous Watercolours by Micheal Zarowsky

We don’t tend to post commercial blurbs here on Dilettante’s Diary, but I can’t help passing on this news from artist Micheal Zarowksy. You may recall mention of his excellent work in recent reviews of “The Artist Project” and other shows. He’s one of the few artists who has developed a truly distinctive way of seeing and conveying the world’s beauty. Many of his watercolours are on paper but others are painted on prepared birch panels, by means of a special technique he has invented; this means they don’t have to be framed under glass.

Now Mr. Zarowsky tells me he’s making the rare offer of selling his works at reductions of 50% or more. If you care about watercolours of exceptional quality, give your eyes a treat and visit his website: The website will tell you how to contact him about buying a painting. ________________________________________________________________________
TO LIVE WITH CULTURE      03/5 2010
I was also impressed by Micheal Zarowsky’s watercolour landscapes, above, painted on gessoed birch panels; some of Zarowsky’s work pushes towards abstraction and it exudes a textural quality that sets it apart


Dilettante’s Diary’s Diary  THE ARTIST PROJECT 2010

Micheal Zarowsky’s resplendent effects of leaves and water never fail to amaze. A painting of his in this show presents a row of reddish trees with shadows underneath so rich in their hues that they beckon you to stroll through.


Thu 2/25/2010 7:10 AM

gugnacka has made a comment on Bermuda Micheal Zarowsky Watercolours Slideshow 5.wmv:

Piekne: picture of outstanding significance, a revelation, a new way of showing reality or to reveal undercover and subtle phantasies, with a correct framing and a perfect balance of shadows and light, enhanced by a correct resolution, saturation and exposition, with an original point of view and a good depth of field, vibrant colours or a great contrast of black and white, composed with a general harmony of lines and shapes\

Piekne = beautiful

Codziennie zachwycam się Pana pracami i ciągle mi mało .Uwielbiam akwarelę a Pana prace zapierają dech .Siedzę ,patrzę i płaczę …Cudowne !

________________    NOTABLES OF ’09

Micheal Zarowsky’s dazzling watercolours (and Gordon Leverton’s geometrical take on urban houses.)


(Just wanted to let you know about the favourable mention of your work (or the work of an artist or artists in your gallery or your company) in the year-end round up of 2009 at: Best

regards, Patrick Donohue   Friday 1 / 15 / 2010)




From: D Simurda @ (Sun 22 Nov 2009 19:17:59 EST)
I could look at this for hours, delighted in it’s beauty and mesmerized by it’s radiant light. How do you do this?

[delete comment]

From: Micheal Zarowsky (zarowsky) @ (Tue 24 Nov 2009 21:54:36 EST)
. The painting is the experience in front of me becoming the experience alive in me. I neither ask nor want anything of it.
Micheal Zarowsky


Dilettante”s Diary, July 2009   Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition 2009

…..And Micheal Zarowsky’s watercolours never fail to dazzle. He has crafted a unique style that, in many of his paintings, conveys the effect of shimmering water as no other painter can.


Dilettante’s Diary  MARCH 1/09   The Artist Project (Art) Liberty Grand, Exhibition Place, Toronto. March 5-8.

There were few watercolours on show but I admired, yet again, the fabulous work of Micheal Zarowsky, whose scenes of swamps and snowy fields capture the dazzle of light as no other painter’s can.

Dilettante’s Diary     STAND-OUTS OF 2008   ART

In a way, this category is the easiest one in which to chose the year’s stand-outs. You may have been looking at an artist’s work for some five or ten minutes and yet, here you are several months later, with a vivid impression of it in your mind. Several artists I discovered this year had such an impact on me.

But first, some favourites from previous years that we were happy to see again. At the Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition (Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition 2008) it was good to re-visit the marvellous encaustic abstracts of David Brown. As examples of the fine art of watercolour, Micheal Zarowsky’s dazzling landscapes are always a feast for the eyes..


Sept  08  Self Published  186 page book on 28 years of ‘Water’ paintings…followed in November with a second publication (162 pages – 800+  paintings) of all the ‘Venice Watercolours’ – (this after having noticed that all my records of my work – on slides – are fading. YIKES! as such have self published nearly a dozen books of all the work – i call it the complete incomplete files of everything we have here, as many times work left the studio before we could record it because at the time we had no loot for film.)


APRIL 16/08   Dilettante’s Diary /  Review by Patrick Donohue   Micheal Zarowsky (Watercolours) Leonardo Gallery, 133 Avenue Road, Toronto, April 18-19

Readers of this website will remember Micheal Zarowsky’s name from several previous reviews of art shows. With meticulous detail, Mr. Zarowsky captures the dazzling effects of light on trees, flowers and water. (To feast your eyes, check out: Some of his paintings of long shadows cast on snow by groves of evergreens are enough to bring tears to the eyes of anybody who has the Canadian landscape in his or her heart. The extraordinary thing about these watercolours is that they’re painted on panels of Norwegian Birch that have been prepared with gesso (a hard surface, something like plaster). Mr. Zarowsky tells me that he pioneered this technique because so many art buyers these days turn up their noses at watercolours painted on paper and framed under glass. These new paintings, then, have a solidity that you don’t usually associate with watercolours. What you lose in softness and transparency, you gain in immutability. But I’m glad to say that this show includes some of Mr. Zarowsky’s earlier watercolours on paper – still very painstakingly worked and dancing with light – of streets and gardens in Paris.


Review by Patrick Donahue of The Artist Project Show – March 2008

Some artists whom I know from previous TAE shows have de-camped to the new show. Micheal Zarowsky’s dazzling watercolours keep pushing the envelope by way of taking the medium in new directions []. His pain-stakingly meticulous nature studies capture the beauty of the outdoors with a unique vibrancy….._________________________________________________________________________

Toronto Art Expo (Art Sale, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, March 16-19) 2007

(hi: Just wanted to let you know that you’re one of the few artists whose work received favourable mention in my patrick donohue

[[email protected]]somewhat disgruntled review of the current Toronto Art Expo. The review is at

and it’s on the “March 17/06” page. The website is popular with many readers and readership has been growing rapidly. Patrick Donohue)

Among the watercolourists (my favourite genre), the prize for the best work, in my view, would go to Michael Zarowsky for his dazzling series of interiors from Paris: chairs and tables in brilliant colours, dappled with sunlight in the perfect expression of sketchy watercolour technique, somewhat in the style of John Singer Sargent.


April 2007 – International Art Treasures Web Magazine featured our Spring Exhibition at Leonardo gallery in their online magazine


Feb 2007 – Elected a member of Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour


December 2006 – Jan 2007

Watercolours painted directly on gessoeod Norwegian birch panels.

Never one to be contained by any medium, we have over the years made continuous leaps forward to take the watercolour  medium in new directions opening new possibilities, and have once again done so here. I am now painting with watercolours directly on gessoed norwegian birch panels. Working on gessoed panels isn’t much fun, being akin to painting on kitchen counter top with every stroke beading up streaking, smearing, misbehaving like so much spilt coloured water, but I am dazzled by the new textures, the strength, immediacy and directness that results, (and my work on paper is strong).The paintings are finished by painting around the edges and as such can be hung without a frame or floated in a float frame. To secure the watercolour I lightly apply 2 coats of spray fixative, and once dry, lay on 2 coats of matt varnish, just as any oil or acrylic, to seal it permanently against the elements. Having scoured the internet for anyone else working in the same way, & unable to find a soul painting watercolours directly onto gessoed panels, I find myself, for a brief moment anyways, in a unique position creating something never been done before.


Open Water 2006 (Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour, John B. Aird Gallery, 900 Bay St — Macdonald block, main floor just off the lobby, Toronto, until November 24)

As is our usual practice in the case of a show in which we are an exhibitor, we have turned the reviewing duties over to our dear Aunt Agnes to ensure complete impartiality.

Let’s not kid ourselves about why my nephew Patrick asked me to review this show. He wants you to know that he has been selected to appear among this elite group of very distinguished watercolourists but he wants to pretend to be too humble to brag about it himself. He certainly is in very good company this time. You could say that this annual show by the CSPWC shows the best watercolours from across Canada in any given year. Not just Canada, though. The show is open to submissions from around the world. This year, entries came from the US, Malaysia and Singapore, as well as Canada. From over 300 entries, the jurors selected just 39 pictures.

Many of them are stunning, especially the prize-winners. Take Micheal Zarowsky’s “Sunlit Hillside” (Yes, that’s the way he spells his first name.): a snowy expanse with blue shadows and brilliant sun on some bare bushes. Patrick tells me he has been admiring Mr. Z’s paintings after discovering them last year and this one really takes the cake! First prize in the show went to Jennifer Annesley for “Diocletian’s Palace” – it’s an unusual look upwards (as if you were craning your neck) at a sort of gilded dome in an ornate setting, with light pouring through a window. Patrick says it’s the odd angle of the composition that makes it such a striking picture. Another prize-winner, Vivian Thierfelder paints luscious red and orange fruits with drops of dew on them so real that you want to lick them off.

The complete review can be read at; – The November 8th entry.                           _____________________________________________________________________

June 27th, 2006, Waddingtons’s Auction, Toronto; 2 Zarowsky paintings put in auction from estate .


April 9th, 2006, Review by Patrick Donahue in the

Micheal: Just posted some appreciative comments about your show on I enjoyed chatting with Wendy yesterday. Patrick

Micheal Zarowsky (Paintings) Niagara Gallery, 254 Niagara St., Toronto

A sampling of Micheal Zarowky’s watercolours wow’d me at the recent Toronto Art Expo (see review below ), so I jumped at the chance to see a solo show of his recent paintings. Here’s work that shows you what’s happening in the forefront of the watercolour movement.

Most of the works are done in something like a pointillist style – tiny patches of colour working together to build a picture. The medium, for the most part, isn’t used in a very transparent way; it almost approaches gouache in its effect. Up close, it can be hard to make sense of the busy interaction of dots on the canvas but you stand back and you see, for instance, an ornate Paris apartment building emerging above a wrought iron gate. The building is not by any means rendered with photographic realism; it’s more of a suggestion of the building. The main point of the picture is the dazzle of light, which creates the effect of life pulsing in the scene. Apart from the many Paris pictures (views from a balcony, a hidden garden, etc.), there are several magnificent pictures of snow-laden woods and Georgian Bay scenes. The colours in most of these pictures are rather cool but one of the warmer ones shows a stream near Byng Inlet dancing in the light of the setting sun.

The show includes some works in a somewhat more traditional style: broad swatches of colour, more free-flowing, less painstaking. A few stokes render a sunlit couch against a window. Another picture captures an interior against a moonlit sky. My favourite is a very simple picture of two yellow chairs and a table on a patio where the play of light and shadow takes your breath away. It’s one of the smaller pictures. Just the right size for me


April 1 May 6, 2006, Annual Juried Exhibition at Latcham Gallery, Stouffville; Hon Mention;

Jurors written comments about the paintings: “Micheal Zarowsky’s large watercolour paintings are technically amazing – he has perfected his own technique. He has an assured hand and his work shows extreme competence”.


Comment/critique posted on Zarowsky website March 24th, 2006

From: [email protected] @ (Fri 24 Mar 00:08:37 2006)
Realism or impressionism? Or seething symbolism! Zarowsky recreates nature on multi-levels, instinctively – here the underlying ‘eyes’ ‘monstrously’ inveigling their way into the image – perhaps unintentional… subconsciously rendering greater satisfaction. Remarkable work, in an impossible medium!


March 17th, 2006 – patrick donohue [[email protected]]

hi: Just wanted to let you know that you’re one of the few artists whose work received favourable mention in my somewhat disgruntled review of the current Toronto Art Expo. The review is at and it’s on the “March 17/06” page. The website is popular with many readers and readership has been growing rapidly. Patrick Donohue


March 2006 – Invited and Served as Juror on Selection Committee 2006  for submissions to the July 2006 Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition


April 1 May 6, 2006, Annual Juried Exhibition at Latcham Gallery, Stouffville; Hon Mention; AND A REVIEW

Jurors written comments about the paintings: “Micheal Zarowsky’s large watercolour paintings are technically amazing – he has perfected his own technique. He has an assured hand and his work shows extreme competence”.

April 1 May 6, 2006

Annual Juried Exhibition at Latcham Gallery,

Stouffville; Awarded Hon Mention:

Jurors written comments on 2 new Zarowsky works:

“Micheal Zarowsky”s large watercolour paintings are

technically amazing – he has perfected his own technique.

He has an assured hand and his work shows extreme competence.”


Included in the Feb 2006 – International Art Treasures Web Magazine (  in follow up article

For Best of Show Exhibit at First Canadian Place Gallery, Toronto

Article at:


Nov 2005 – Exhibited in 80th Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolour juried Exhibition at the John B. Aird Gallery in Toronto


Aug 2005 – International Art Treasures Web Magazine ( Included in article on TOAE Award Winners


July 2005 – Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition – Best Watercolour Award (the KPMG Foundation)


2004 – 06 – Cornerstone 52 Foundation, Toronto –  publishes watercolour ‘Light across the stream’  as a x-mas card


May 2003, 2nd commission for Havergal College, Toronto,


Exhibition in Rochester

4099. Shoestring Gallery dba Esmay Fine Art  1855 Monroe Ave 14618
(716) 271-3886 Mon-Fri 9-5, Sat 10-5   Dir: Nancy Esmay
Contemporary paintings and prints; Eskimo and Iroquois sculpture. G/P/C
Artists exhibited: Carole Battle, Gait Bessette, Sarah Brayer, Konstantin Chmutin, Elizabeth King Durand, Audrey Freedman, Nicora Gangi, Carl Hoffner, Katja Oxman, Katherine Samuel, Laurent
Schkolnyk, Lynn Shaler, Mary Teichman, Ruth Vaughan, Micheal Zarowsky


March 2003, completed and installed commission for Watchcraft, Toronto;  painting of Musee d’Orsay Clock, Paris

Nov 2001, Completed commission of 23  watercolours for the Southhampton  Princess Hotel in Bermuda.

June 2000, The Elbow Beach Hotel in Bermuda, reproduced two paintings of  Bermuda, for display/use throughout their hotel.

June 1995. Became a member of Bermuda Society of Arts.

June 1988, Tamarack Gallery in Gravenhurst, for its inaugural exhibition  published Zarowsky painting of the Segwun in winter as a poster.

Nov 1986, Eveready, The Division of Union Carbide, published an Zarowsky Ontario winter landscape  as a Christmas Print.

December 1987 and December 1988 Hallmark Cards reproduced two Zarowsky Ontario winter landscapes  as Christmas cards.

In December of 1988 and December 1989, Citibank Canada, reproduced two Zarowsky Ontario winter landscapes as Christmas Cards.

“Off the Beaten Track” – an article written by Anjali Sircar in March 26th, 1995 issue of The Hindu Magazine, on the work I had done that year. The Hindu Magazine is the largest English National Daily in Madras, India with a circulation of over  600,000. Mrs. Sircar is the most senior Art Critic on the paper.

Presented the watercolour painting entitled “Wild Irises, Saugeen River”, to Dr. Noel Brown of the United Nations at the Environmental Summit at the Ontario Science Centre. 750 reproductions of the painting were distributed  at/to promote the event. Sept. 1989.

Exhibited in the 58th Canadian Society of Painter’s in Watercolour Juried Exhibition, which

toured Ontario and Quebec from Nov 83 to Aug 84.


___________________Magazine Covers________________


Feb   2004       –     Wildflower magazine cover (blue morpho w heliconia)

June  1998       –     Commission for 1998 Lawn and Garden Catalogue cover

for TPI Plastics Inc. Saratoga, NY

Dec   1991       –     Landscape Architecture Review Magazine Cover

Sep   1990       –     Seasons – Monthly publication of the Federation of Ontario

Naturalists Cover

July   1989       –     Wildflower Magazine Cover

April 1988       –      Landscape Architecture Magazine Cover

Aug   1985       –      Muskoka Sun Magazine Cove