changing seasons
time and not
sunlines and storylines – well not much of a story here – winter is in retreat while i am still lost in the moments presenting themselves, working magical days that end with winter and the sun parting ways, the world thrown into shadow, the sun draining all colour out of season, me avoiding feeling a personal loss as the sun goes down by having captured some of that days magic, bringing quiet into focus, the silence never rising above a whisper, unable to follow directions, painting several points of interest in each idea, without focusing on any particular one, arbitrary moments that everyone has walked thru, open ended wandering….sun times…reasons to believe…before moving on to embrace the spring, the music of migrating birds, the rains, the warmth, all new growth, the cycle all anew. whistling thru a whiz bang day after day…
‘ strips of sunlight, small wonders, and other freedoms crossing a winter trail’ 24″ x 48″ mixed media (watercolour / acrylic painted directly on gessoed birch panel)
‘gathered outside on a winter’s day / farm outside creemore 16″ x 26″ mixed media (watercolour / acrylic painted directly on gessoed birch panel)
a good number of years ago we set a small task for ourselves to document some of the ever dwindling number of barns around southern ontario, such that in 8 months managed to work out 980 some such drawings and paintings….and have not felt the urge / need to work out another until yesterday…inexplicably, some ideas sit on the backburner of my mind for a long long time……