‘infinity rings’ available at Paint Ontario
my infinity rings (18″ x 29.5″) watercolour / acrylic painted directly on gessoed panel
is available at this years Paint Ontario Exhibition at the Lambton Museum in Grand Bend, from September 2nd thru 25th, 2022.
‘ongoing continuity’ explains my idea of working in series. I will start with an idea, – (funny that the finished work never shows any
of the confusion / struggle that went into finishing it) – for example, ‘(the infinity rings series, and only grasp bit by bit as it grows with
the painting – (having no clear sense of what you are looking for can bring unexpected results); while painting, other possibilities
come to mind / are envisioned, quick sketches are made to help empty the mind and eliminate confusion, and then after the painting is
done, I can consider and work on these other possibilities. In this way I develop a series and is push it as far as freshness allows at the time.
I may come back to it, or not, at some time in the future if I find something new explore in it / find some place else to take it. just as
often the original idea will open me up in entirely new directions.