irondale river open in winter

Micheal Zarowsky thanks Ed, stretch near gooderham it is; love the idea of fallen trees serving as bridges across the stream for all manner of critters wanting to get across the to the other side…(except for chickens….don’t see many chickens using these fallen tree bridges

Ed Reliuga I’m immediately struck by the water……another beautiful departure from infinity rings…… the water IS swirling….it’s almost effervescent: alive. And now I am really beginning to notice the magic you are capable of doing because of using gesso -ed board. There is a peculiar depth….in THE WHITE!!!! Amazing.
Micheal Zarowsky thanks Ed, yes, we think, water is infinite in the ways it appears to us; it is up to us to try n express some of those ways; here is one on display in a gallery in richmond hill; open cedar stream 21 eramosa river, outside of eden mills, 32″ x 50″ watercolour on arches paper;
Ed Reliuga Micheal Zarowsky
Again, amazing. I also find it truly amazing that you are able maintain a cohesive perspective in creating this painting. It’s not like it can truly be ‘sketched’ out or plotted readily….and at such a size!
Micheal Zarowsky Hi Ed, the water was six inches deep, full of watercress (?) just under the surface, with deer tracks where hey had come to the edge to feed on it…but drawing? yes maddening it is. lots of erasing…a full eraser and then some, but really when I divided it into sections it became manageable which as you point out still did not mean easy by any stretch of the imagination…especially since I started working on it with watercolour at the same time as pencil marks were laid down; I have drawn out others that size, where looking back the perspective was all wrong and had no choice but to flip the paper over and start all over on the other side. here is another one that did not work: smaller yet…keeping it until I can figure out how i fucked up and then will shred it; .’glimpse of the pond at the morning edge of the day’ 26″ x 40″ watercolour on arches paper
Ed Reliuga Micheal Zarowsky
“fucked it up”?
well…..yes….it does seem chaotic….undefined….but still, the water is simply breathtaking….your infinity rings are magic.
still….I can ‘sort of’ see what you mean. You have, understandably high standards. This is your profession.
I respect your personal artistic honesty, in judging your own work.
Nonetheless, it could still, quite readily, stand on it’s own merits….and there are many.
Micheal Zarowsky I speak of the overall gap between what I had in mind and what I was able to express on paper …..

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