jurors comments
comments of juror Jill Price, copied from the latest Colour and Form Newsletter on the 66th Open Juried Exhibition; Jill and fellow jurist, Vera Bobson, found my works worthy of discussion;
3rd Place Winner
Micheal Zarowsky
AUTUMN ON THE POND (Watercolour).
We had some arguments here as we loved both of Zarowsky’s works. In the end Autumn on the Pond came to
forefront due to the scale which invites us to walk through the wet grasses and commune with nature. “I really enjoy how the artist investigates colour and form at a microscopic level taking the imagery into the abstract.”
[J. Price]

sharing this cause, to my mind, any explanations, after thoughts of / on / about any process, be they from jurors at an exhibition about an art piece, from those who take the time to view the art at the exhibition, or from the artist, can only add to seeing and understanding the work itself. the other work entered into the exhibition; autumn-pond-reflection – 16″ x 28″ watercolour on arches paper.