latest infinity rings
simple drawings on the universe; offering up water thru single moments, patterns, interactions;
water is affected by everything both visually and physically; being transparent, to paint it you are painting the sky above, the bottom below reflecting up especally where a cloud blocks the sun, the shorelines on either side trying to contain it; in effect you are painting everything but the thing you set out to paint…. physically water gets stirred by breezes, from mild to gale force, it retreats in waves after a boat skims the surface of it, and it spreads into infinity when Wendy manipulates it with either a well place set of pebbles or signs her name in the water with a long stick…..we paint what we come upon and also what we stir up creatively.
infinity rings 151 / 24″ x 48″ / watercolour painted directly on gessoed panel / available
infinity rings / water rings suggestive of a mornings’ drift / different again in that, other infinity rings we have worked out take you off the page into your thoughts, so to speak; this one takes you up up up into it and does not ask you to leave
infinity rings 150 / 36″ x 30″ / watercolour /acrylic painted directly on gessoed panel / available
infinity rings 152 18″ x 36″ watercolour / acrylic painted directly on gessoed panel