midwinter pond
walked the shorelines hardy lake always coming back to several small ponds contained within several times this past february.
snowcovered rock mid sunlit pond
hardy lake

11″ x 14″
watercolour / acrylic painted directly on gessoed panel
available 375.
click on image to enlarge
Janice Turner King
This looks like the rock in one of the ponds across the highway from Hardy Lake. If so, Jeff and I have skied and canoed past it many times.
Janice Turner King Hi Janice, i k now of the pond you speak of on west side of 69 / this idea for this sources within the park itself, one of 3 such erratics? sticking out either of the first or second of the 2 small ponds along the trail that goes up the middle to the lake itself / watched beavers drag their whittled branches down to the water here in the fall….