new work at Ethel Curry Gallery
dropped off new works at the Ethel Curry Gallery in Halliburton yesterday. then, went sketching, and to my dismay found out that devils lake has been discovered. big honking sign declaring the east entrance to the queen elizabeth wildlands prov park. oh well, losing one of our sources – painted many of our infinity rings from here – for well over a decade n half, time to find new lake where everyone is not.
Met with Tiffany at the Gallery, who really liked what we brought in, (so much so that after i explained that gallery dealer Wayne wanted 4 or 5 pieces to starts with, and that Wendy and I had managed to narrow that down to 13 works and were hoping they could winnow it down further) said selecting works for the gallery is one of the perks she enjoys about working at the gallery and chose 8 pieces from what we brought in.
we have long understood that the places where we can lose ourselves and come away with ideas to paint are always changing; ponds fill in and the beavers and us move on; places that no one ever went to are now being bought and sold and privatized, and even the government is in on the act carving out provincial parks out of the wilderness as it did here. thankfully we still have margaret lake just a few klicks north on 35, with Dan lake, its tiny sister a 1000 ft portage to the north east both of which offer up ever changing possibilities for infinity patterns from which to work out paintings.
water lilies and wild rice 15
24″ x 24″ x 1 3/4″
watercolour / acrylic painted directly on gessoed panel
available at Ethel Curry Gallery