northern lake painting part of View From here Exhibition
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Your application for The View From Here has been approved by The View From Here.
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One of your artworks “Northern Lake” will be featured in The Leslie Grove Gallery art show “The View from Here.” The show will run from April 28 to May 16, 2021, exclusively online at Your contract will be sent to you in a separate email.
The Virtual Opening for The View from Here is coming up on Thursday, April 29, at 7pm. We are inviting all ………………………
LGG Team
I like to visually pull out the wild of wherever I find myself….
Mornings and water. A natural fit.
Look across a lake in the morning as the darks become greys slowly lift to a lighter grey still and then colour seeping into the grey, grey gets gone and everything is lit.
Watching everything slowly come out of the shadows into daylight there is a whole awakening each n every morning
In the evening the colour slowly drains until the sun drops below the treeline taking all the colour with it
michealZarowsky_northern lake_2600_acrylic_26x40_2020