open winter stream
two new watercolours on gessoed panel now available
snow melting on the surface of the pond
open winter stream
irondale river (1)
12″ x
watercolour painted directly on gessoed panel

- Ed
Reliuga I mentioned that you had made a “departure”,
of sorts in style in regard to another painting you had posted. Now, it’s
Micheal Zarowsky oh no , now I have to be retrained….damn damn damn..
Micheal Zarowsky anyways yes and no. yes because we are making every effort to continue to grow and explore new ideas, and no, because we always have begun every idea from scratch as its own, as needing its own treatment, way of being explored for what there is in it, and approached, solved, resolved according to its own uniqueness which we saw in it in the first place. yes we bring with us everything we have learned in painting all the previous paintings before we start each new one, and we use what we can from all the previous gathered experience we have, but that does not mean we mindlessly just formula like paint yet another piece as if we were on some assembly line…..
Ed Reliuga I have never viewed your work as coming off of an assembly line. Everything — EVERYTHING — that I have seen you do, is clearly, wholly individual. But I have seen clear departures from one style, working, evolving into another. It’s a brilliant thing to see.
Reliuga btw……. in another thread, you talked about painting
watercolour on gessoed board. WOW! Indeed, I have never seen that before —
ever. It offers a whole new texture and “feel” I’ve not seen before
— anywhere. Every time I think that you have reached some sort of apex, I
think “How can he top this?”
I don’t have to wait very long…….you blow me away again.
and again.
Micheal Zarowsky Ed Reliuga okay. I really try and stay away from artspeak, while we are all about light and water, we do tackle a variety of ideas thru which light and water can be expressed and each is deserving of its own individual treatment, which can be spoken of as different styles, although that is not important to us beyond acknowledging that the work ranges between impressionism and realism (winter sun reflecting on paris windows watercolour on arches paper 1993)

Ed Reliuga oh my god! That’s astounding. So beautiful.
Micheal Zarowsky thanks Caroline, Happy New Year to You and Derek.
snow melting on the surface of the pond
open winter stream
irondale river (2)
18″ x 24″
watercolour painted directly on gessoed panel