riverside screens
we have continuously explored the idea of seeing thru to the water, having your view somewhat obscured by the stand of trees in front of you and the mystery of the view they are only offering glimpses of…. you would think this so common as to make up every shoreline embracing any lake river or stream, but we have walked along endless lakes rivers and streams, and only a few places are and continue to be visually up to snuff.. the muskoka river around mathiasville, where the road and trees screening it is mere inches from the fast moving water with otters swimming in places where loons are not…an inlet off dan lake ….the south shore of margaret lake….stretches of sherborne lake access road with several of its lakes offering waterlily reflections inbetween the screens of trees….stands of birches lining the road along wren lake and the west side of lake kawagama, as well as chambers road north of minden … the bend on gala lake another small watering hole off of 12 mile bay rd in georgian bay, and many others, all places no one else stops which adds to their lure for us….
autumn pond 30 / a fall pond like inlet along the west arm of the nipissing river
36″ x 72″ watercolour / acrylic painted directly on gessoed panel
available at studio / 4900.00