(sherborne lake access rd)
‘infinity rings (58)’
24″ x 48″
mixed media
(as with most things posted here, it is available)

Caroline Rennie I was recently at the Orangerie in Paris and realise that you too should have such a room for your infinity rings in all seasons… I would lie there four hours drinking in the light…. thank you Micheal!
Micheal Zarowsky the idea of the orangerie is wonderful….however did you know that the waterlilies hanging there are the muddied up ones….the original better set are in the gardner museum in boston… the orangerie has a second set of waterlilies that he gave the government in lieu of owed taxes…..
Micheal Zarowskyby the way i never responded directly to your idea of infinity rings in an orangerie setting….perhaps because it is soo far out there as a possible idea….but my response, as is Wendy’s is YES F’N WOW!
infinity rings 78 (sherborne lake access road)
30″ x 60″
mixed media (watercolour / acrylic painted directly on gessoed birch panel)