sweeping stretches of sunlight…
weather system passing thru brought low temps n dusting of snow with it which is excuse enough to post latest winter work, one of several still blowing with icy fresh clarity in / thru my brain, from snowshoeing thru foot and half sunswept snow drifts outlining the rolly polly, (much like those long long rolling ocean waves it is fun to sail on), ground rhythms of the forests off southwood road earlier this month……part of my thinking here is to get the viewer to want to walk into and thru the sunswept clearing so the ‘trail’ i wanted to create for the viewer to at least see if not visually follow, was intentionally thought about before wandering thru pristine snow and then circled back on myself to see my handywork. or handy footwork …
sunswept trail
20″ x 40″

watercolour / acrylic painted directly on gessoed panel
available / 2600.