touch the stars
every year around this time – mid october thru november – there is an angst that permeates / a loneliness of the universe that resonates thru my being when i cross an imaginary line which i deem the north / this past Wednesday the crossing point was georgian bay road / crooked bay road /
there is a loneliness to it / yet an openness thru which you can reach out n touch the stars / the countryside doesn’t care if you come or not / this sense of not mattering can be overwhelming in a positive or negative way depending on where one is at at that particular moment
i first felt this when i was 9 or 10 when my dad took me up north / 3 am n we are slowing putt putting down a narrow stream to a lake somewhere ahead / dark branches criss crossing the sky above us with bats darting after take out in all the open spaces / i felt this sense, directly / immediately that the north neither cared if or that we came there or not / stayed or not / died or not / it would continue to be with or without us / feeling that becoming one with everything around me opening up feelings of being within an ordered chaos, embracing a randomness of freedom allowing me to lose myself n reach out and touch infinity; (the city and everything in it are precisely what blocks this experience from being possible in the city) my paintings are bits n pieces of this totality i lose myself in / individual experiences / explorations of ideas both connecting me to the universe n allowing me to lose myself within it;

Elva Hook
Hmmm I feel it too
Sometimes it’s hard to articulate the moods that come with this season. Endings and beginnings – transitional swings send me in many directions.
… leaves reflect the losses of life and the gorgeous colours can taunt you for feeling sad and glorious in the same moment
10/21, 6:44pmMicheal Zarowsky
there is a loneliness to it / yet an openness thru which you can reach out n touch the stars / the countryside doesn’t care if you come or not / this sense of not mattering can be overwhelming
Elva Hook
Well said – I can totally feel that. In fact that describes my state quite well
Thank you –