winter itself is a gift this year
winter itself is the gift this year
…in the forest time loses meaning…..
streaming daylight
24″ x 24″
watercolour / acrylic pained directly on gessed birch panel
Marilyn Woolston Beautiful Micheal
Micheal Zarowsky thanks Marilyn, it is fun times all round with all this snow….
Kate Kitchen Lovely and mysterious blue shadows
Micheal Zarowsky thanks Kate, hopefully the strength of the day comes thru in the shadows / light
Kate Kitchen Absolutely it does with the light and warmth of the sun contrasting with the darker young trees. Also, with the strength comes a suggestion of softer, melting snow. It is a powerful but subtle painting.
Alan Doner On cold and sunny winter days there is no place I’d rather be than wandering around a snow laden forest. I love your paintings. Every time I see one of your winter scenes I’m struck by how much there is to look at. There are just so many interesting places to look it keeps my eyes moving. One day I’ll have one on my wall.
Micheal Zarowsky thanks Alan, absolutely right; nomatter where you, for me anyways, stop and stand n look around it is mesmerizing…something i never quite get used to seeing or being inside of
Alan Doner Micheal Zarowsky Ya I do a lot of hiking but I do quite a bit of just standing and observing and just soak in the nature, what a nature nut,lol.
Micheal Zarowsky here is where i lose a lot of people; that standing looking around i lose my edges feel a oneness with and in the forest / it is alive and me with it / okay so i am crazy but…..
Tania Kasperska You always try to keep the expresive nature of the landscape the images that inspire fascination and stimulate the emotions of the recipient ,which is the merit of your great talent artistiic ,excellent work…!!!
Micheal Zarowsky thanks Tania, okay; (at the same time while we are grateful others who see our work like what we do, cause while we are aware others may / will see our work, we are painting our experience, what we found magical, what drove us crazy yet worth the struggle to try n express thru paint….)