winter watercolours resold at waddingtons
2nd of two watercolours from our days in port sydney changed addresses this past october at waddingtons auctions.
looking back it feels just as fresh as if it were yesterday; the southern leg of the road into port sydney was lined with majestic pines which became several paintings and then we painted our way south from the village down to the end of divine lake rd.
click on image to enlarge
Joanna Turlej
This is wonderful news! These pieces are gorgeous. Time to raise the prize 

Joanna Turlej neat to hear from you Joanna, the work holds up over time, i get to see my work from another lifetime; hopefully one day soon we may all get royalties for resales.
Joanna Turlej
Micheal Zarowsky what I want to say to you is complements to you for doing what you feel like it is your best art (and I am admiring it) and you are selling and being recognized. You found your niche! Fabulous! Not very many artists accomplished it, unless they compromised themselves and did what was “salable”. I see so much of it and feel sorry for them. You did it! Congrats!
thanks Joanna, you are incredibly wonderfully generous with your compliments. thank you for your thoughts on this as it not part of our thinking that we are successful.
never ever really been any shortage of ideas to express thru paint, painting the only way we know how, having no clue as to what would / could / should sell / paint what makes sense to us, our experience; across time it became our journey and we are grateful enough people have liked what we paint, so while it has never been about the loot, loot has never been one of the markers, yet when you are living sale to sale rather than think that you are successful a sale is more like feeling relief that we can continue to paint for another day.