new northern lake
a sense of anticipation / unseen mystery looking thru the screen until one gets to the waters edge; a good many places this marks not so much as close as i was able to get to the water as standing … Continue reading →
a sense of anticipation / unseen mystery looking thru the screen until one gets to the waters edge; a good many places this marks not so much as close as i was able to get to the water as standing … Continue reading →
not to sound overwhelmed, but having my usual more than full, close to being hectic, day even though it was my afternoon off; after sleeping off the effects of my latest mac degen shot today, which was super clean, no … Continue reading →
having said this before, the focus of several of my new autumn pieces fits ……. “What I have always found and understood to be beautiful, has come when I am able to lose myself, become one with where I am; … Continue reading →
working thru fall ideas while autumn flutter floats colours drifting across october, wren lake offers a rare, hard to come across, tree lined shoreline screen full of birches and cedars and….. autumn wren lake’ watercolour / acrylic painted directly … Continue reading →
don’t often speak of paintings that are / have sold simply out of respect of / for our clients privacy. in this case, more to do about the play out of events than interfering with anyone’s privacy; just want to … Continue reading →
working some new winter ideas involving light in the distance as much as the details in the immediate upfront ground. tall pine forests along southwood road with trails running off beyond the wilderness. trail thru sunlight 22″ x 28″ < … Continue reading →
Glad and Grateful the judges saw enough merit in my entry ‘overnight snowfall with pine’ to include it in the 99th CSPWC Open Water Exhibition.
Continue reading →one of those everything on the water and in the air aliveness complete with the dazzle of sparkles. pines and sparkles. grundy lake. georgian bay 22″ x 18″ < click on image to enlarge > watercolour … Continue reading →
undulating. slow drift. across the late day. margaret lake. with pickerel weed. 14″ x 21′” / 700.00 < click on image to enlarge > watercolour painted directly on gessoed panel so the use of acrylic here is limited to two … Continue reading →
finding new magic in a beaver pond we haven’t wandered back to in at least a decade Sunlight wrapped beaver pond / brunel rd. / 30″ x 40″ / watercolour acrylic painted directly on gessoed panel / available 2800. i … Continue reading →