painting on cover of canadian journal of rural medicine
Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine,
chose for the cover of their winter 2016 issue,
one of my winter paintings;’treeline shadows streaming across the softness of new snow’
24″ x 24″ x 1 3/4″ –
acrylic (painted directly on absorbent ground on gessoed birch panel)
chose for the cover of their winter 2016 issue,
one of my winter paintings;’treeline shadows streaming across the softness of new snow’
24″ x 24″ x 1 3/4″ –
acrylic (painted directly on absorbent ground on gessoed birch panel)

followup about the cover:
…while most comments on FB are of the polite ‘congrats’ sort; it is the occasional one that will say what they mean in support of the post and start an positive ideas exchange;
James V. Chism Great choice for them….. Others will follow Like · Reply · 1 · January 27 at 7:01pm
Micheal Zarowsky thanks James, you know you are the only one who has commented on the painting itself….. Like · Reply · January 27 at 9:45pm · Edited
James V. Chism Micheal Zarowsky , the painting is like all of yours…… Excellent and amazing. Your technique should inspire a school” Like · Reply · 1 hr
…….so those that ‘see’ the work can see it ‘inspiring a school’ while most galleries we have approached because we are not a one trick pony painter, refuse to have anything to do with us……..
on the other hand, a gallery in the north end of the city which carries n occasionally sells our work has chosen to highlight our work being on the cover in their news page: maybe good things can still happen here;
another friend, who has on several occasions had our work grace the cover of his ‘wildflower’ magazine, commented:
I speak from personal experience. Zarowsky paintings are very impressive as magazine/journal cover art.
James Hodgins

I speak from personal experience. Zarowsky paintings are very impressive as magazine/journal cover art.
James Hodgins